Thursday, May 7, 2009

Let's Go Back in Time

At work I saw the date 12/21/1987 and this is where my brain went:
  • That was exactly 20 years before Dan and I got married!
  • I wonder what I was doing that day (I was only 6 months old)?
  • I wonder what it would be like to go back in time and watch that day, just because it was exactly 20 years before I got married?
  • I wonder what Dan did that day?

Wouldn't that be so cool to go back in time and see what you were doing on a specific day long ago? Call me crazy but this fascinates me.

1 comment:

The Karafa Family said...

Ask your mom, but I am pretty sure you guys were up visiting! Wasn't that the year G&G were held hostage? You were married on Dillon's 1st birthday!