These ladies are A-W-E-S-O-M-E! We had a fantastic time celebrating their birthday at the Tequila Factory with delicious food and fun company. What the heck would I do without these two wonderful women in my life? My mom has been such a powerful example of what it means to be a strong woman and has shown me how to be able to be independent and goal-oriented. She's the one that pushed me to get to where I am today and I am so thankful. One thing I love about our relationship is that we always, ALWAYS end our phone conversations with "I love you" even if we're mad at each other! I love my mama!
And my Jannie has always been like my second mom. She spent so much time with me when I was kid and always let me do such fun things with her like paint clay pots, stamp up a storm, and cook! When I was a kid I loved "helping" (more like watching) Jannie cook dinner. She has inspired me to learn how to cook and I must say, my cooking skills are progressing. Thank goodness!
I'm so glad these two are in my life. I love you both!