Thursday, December 16, 2010

Five Months

Man, the past five months seem like they have just flown by! Where did my sleepy little newborn go? Now he's this big (but still little) boy that wiggles around like crazy when you try to hold him as if he wants you to set him down so he can take off running. He is dangerously close to crawling and sitting up. It will happen any day now. Hopefully I'm ready to be chasing this active little guy around the house! Only time will tell.

I love his happy, positive personality. He is always full of smiles and when he gets to laughing you cannot help but crack up. What joy little Durham brings into our lives. I had always heard that there was nothing better than being a parent, but I don't think I could have ever imagined it to be what it is. Now I can understand the love my mom has for me.


Jesse and Camry said...

I love the pictures you posted of him and of your family! You have such a beautiful family... and I agree, I just never knew what it would be like to love a child until I was a mother. It is so special!

Christie & Dan said...

Thank you, Camry! I can't wait til your little guy joins your cute family.