Friday, February 19, 2010

Must Love Dogs

It's no secret that I have a very large and special place in my heart for dogs. My Lola was a rescue case where I took her and her brother, Captain Jack Sparrow, in when they were at death's door. Jack Sparrow didn't make it but thankfully Lola fought hard and survived and is now a happy, playful, sweet, obedient beast who I love to death. Moto was a case where I just couldn't leave without bringing him home with me. It was puppy love at first sight and the little "brat terror" as we lovingly call him has been such a fun, spunky, sweet addition to our home.

Now, we have another canine addition. Driving on a busy street in town on my way home from work a few weeks ago, I noticed traffic in the opposite direction slamming on their brakes and wondered what the heck they were doing. Then I saw her. A very scared, somewhat wet and dirty puppy was frantic in the street, obviously lost. It had been pouring rain that day and wasn't supposed to let up any time soon and my heart just melted for this little pup. My side of traffic was backed up from a red light so I rolled down my window and yelled "Puppy, puppy!" to get her attention. She came over to my car, I opened my driver side door and scooped her into my lap just in time to take off for the green light. She slammed her little body as close to me as she possibly could the whole ride home and turned every once in a while to plant wet puppy kisses on my face. :) I have tried to locate her owners with no luck whatsoever so she has just been hanging out at our house. She will be going to a good home soon, but it sure has been fun to have this loving little meatball at our house. We (I) would keep her in a heart beat except three dogs (two of them still puppies) and a new baby on the way is a bit too much to handle at the moment.

Thank goodness I have a husband who puts up with my bleeding heart and allows me to spend money fixing my broken dogs and foster stray animals at our house!

Here's the little beauty. :)

She loves your attention more than anything. Being able to sit in your lap and smash her body as close to yours as she can is her favorite.

Moto is a little jealous that he's no longer the only puppy, but he still gets lots of attention, too!

So the requirement at our house is that you must love dogs!

On a sad note, little Barklee went to doggie heaven this week. That little guy lived to be 16 years old and lived a very good life. He went to the ranch more times than can be counted on fingers and toes, went to California, got his own double cheeseburgers or soft tacos and was an awesome little companion the whole time he was with my mom and me. It was really hard and sad to see him go, but it's a relief to know that his little doggie spirit (yes, I believe in dog spirits) is free from the prison his old, aching body was to it. I'll always love my little Barkman! My mom and I like to think that he's doing his "bullet dog" routine in heaven now. :)

1 comment:

The Karafa Family said...

Poor Barklee...

I am kind of surprised the shaky little guy was alive this long. He always seemed so frail to me!